Partner Laura J. Mazel Publishes Op Ed on Immigration Executive Action in SF Recorder
February 19, 2015
In the midst of the rancor over the federal injunction over President Obama’s deferred action for certain undocumented immigrants, and the consequent standstill for business immigration relief, WSM Partner Laura J. Mazel, in a February 5 Viewpoint article published by the San Francisco Recorder, sums up easy steps counsel for tech and start-ups may take to help make President Obama’s key tech and entrepreneurial portions executive action on immigration reform count for something.
Ms. Mazel’s outlines two calls to action:
1. Write to the House Representative with jurisdiction for your company. Support Senator Hatch’s new I-Squared Act, raising the H-1B quota and Congressman Moran’s Support our Start Ups Act. Find your Representative here.
2. Write to the government by end of 1Q to support the President’s Executive Action for start-ups, even though the late January deadline has passed. Write by e-mail: USCISFRComment@uscis.dhs.gov. Include Visa Modernization in the subject line of the message. Or by snail mail: Attn: Laura Dawkins, Chief of the Regulatory Coordination Division, USCIS Office of Policy and Strategy, 20 Massachusetts Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20529-2140. [For background, the full November 21 Memorandum is found at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press]
To read Ms. Mazel’s editorial in full, click here. Please note that if you do not subscribe to the San Francisco Recorder, you may be asked to register. Or, please contact WSM at news@wsmimmigration.com for the article content.